Achimota School progresses to the one-eighth stage after a plausible win over Okuapemann School and Navrongo SHS in the 2022 National Science and Maths Quiz championship.

The second day of the preliminary stage opened with an adamant performance from Achimota School (MOTOWN) as they battled against Okuapemman School (OKUASS) and Navrongo SHS (NAVASCO) in the Saarah-Mensah Auditorium, KNUST.

MOTOWN quashed OKUASS and NAVASCO in the second round where their tempo was unmatched in the ‘Speed Race’.

After an unimpressive third round, they won their spurs after answering three out of four riddles correctly to earn the GH¢800.00 cash prize reward for the Goil Riddle Bonanza.

The contest saw a few substitutions from Okuapemann School and Achimota School.

Achimota School NSMQ
Achimota School NSMQ

In high hopes of encroaching the lead, OKUASS couldn’t end up with a win even after the substitution, giving MOTOWN a chance to safeguard the slot to the one-eighth stage.

At the end of the 5th round, Achimota SHS gained 41 points whiles Okuapemann SHS and Navrongo SHS got 25 points and 10 points respectively.

Achimota School joins the day’s 11 winners, as well as, the first day’s nine PRELIMS winners on standby for the balloting of one-eighth stage contests, scheduled for October 13, 2022.
