Twenty-eight individuals drawn from various communities in Obuasi under the Youth Apprenticeship Programme initiated by AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine have passed out as Winder Engine Drivers at a ceremony held at the Anyinam Lodge in Obuasi.

Ing. Eric Broni, Senior Manager Engineering at AGA, said out of the 28 trainees, which included seven females that successfully passed, 14 have been fully employed by the company.

He noted that the journey to becoming a Winder Engine Driver is not an easy feat as it requires a combination of technical skill, precision and a commitment to safety and efficiency.

The Winder Engine Drivers, AGA staff, Nananom and other Stakeholders in a group photograph

“As you receive your certificates and step into the next phase of your journey, remember that your contributions as Winder Engine Drivers will be instrumental in the success of the mining industry,” Ing. Eric Broni added.

Mr. Meshack Baah, Senior Manager Human Resources of the company on his part told the newly trained Winder Engine Drivers, “as you begin this new chapter in your careers, remember to never stop pushing yourselves to new heights, and never lose sight of your goals.

The future as Winder Engine Driver is bright and full of opportunities for growth and success in the mining industry.”

The Krontihene of Adansi Dompoase, Nana Bosompim Ketekyie Apenteng, who chaired the function, had a word of advice for both the management of AGA and the Winder Engine Drivers. To AGA, he said, “Your second coming has been of great benefit to Adansiman and Ghana as a whole. I know times are hard but you are doing everything possible to help the youth in the various communities to learn skills.

“You need our players and Nananom will surely do that so that the company will grow from strength to strength.”

Turning to the Winder Engine Drivers, the Chief said, “Be sober and reflect on what you have achieved by your training.

“Do not involve yourselves in galamsey and also do not align yourselves with any group of people that will rise against the company.”

From Frederick Danso Abeam, Obuasi

The post 28 Winder Engine Drivers Passout under AGA Youth Apprenticeship Programme appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
