The Presidential Candidate for the Alliance for Revolutionary Change (ARC), Mr Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, has disclosed to the chiefs and people in the five northern regions measures he intends putting in place to transform the area.

Among these measures, according to him, are massive investments he wants to make in agriculture and industrialisation.

Mr. Alan Kyerematen, who is currently touring the northern regions, emphasised the unique potential of the North to lead in agriculture and agro-based industrialisation, highlighting its pivotal role in the country’s economic growth.

“There have to be massive investments in agriculture and industrialisation in the North to propel the development of the North and the country in general,” Mr. Kyerematen asserted.

He stressed the need for these investments to unlock the agricultural and industrial capabilities of the region, which he believes are essential for national development.

“My government will ensure that these critical investments are made in the North to expand our exports and reduce our imports,” Mr. Kyerematen promised.

He outlined a comprehensive strategy aimed at boosting export capacities and diminishing dependency on imported goods, which is expected to bolster the country’s economic resilience”, he said.

According to Mr. Kyerematen, a key objective of these investments, as outlined in his Great Transformational Plan, was to create job opportunities for the youth, thereby stemming the migration of young people to the South, in search of employment.

“By investing in agriculture and industrialisation in the North, we can create jobs and opportunities locally, reducing the need for the youth to migrate to urban areas,” he said.

The candidate underlined the strategic importance of agro-based industrialisation, highlighting its potential to transform the North into a hub of economic activity.

“The North holds a special place to unlock agriculture and agro-based industrialisation in this country,” Mr. Alan Kyerematen emphasised, suggesting that these initiatives could significantly elevate the regions’ economic status.

Mr. Alan Kyerematen’s pledge to invest massively in agriculture and industrialisation in the North represents a bold step towards regional and national development. His vision aims to harness the North’s agricultural potential, stimulate industrial growth and create sustainable job opportunities for the youth, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and prosperous economy.

Alan Kyerematen is being accompanied on his tour by leading members of the Alliance, including Abubakar Boniface, a former MP, Alhaji Bala Maikankan, immediate past National Chairman of PNC, Mrs. Rhodaline Adama Ayarna of National Interest Movement (NIM), Dr. Alhassan Samari, former Regional Minister under President Kufuor, Mr. Akwasi Addai Odike, Leader of Union Government Movement, Nana Ohene Ntow, Senior Political Advisor and Mr. Kofi Kapito, CEO of Consumer Protection Agency.




The post Alan Cash Vows To Transform The North …with heavy investment in agriculture appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
