The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has warned against actions to subvert the will of the Ghanaian people, going into the December 7 general elections.

According to him, anyone found culpable of acts that are potential of jeopardising the peace of the nation would be dealt with in accordance with law, stressing that no candidate or political party surpasses the will of the masses.

“Ghana has been in our generation a beacon of democracy on the African continent, and it is our collective duty to safeguard this reputation. Anyone who seeks to subvert the free will of the people will be dealt with in accordance with the law,” he said.

President Akufo-Addo swering in the ambassadors

The President continued that, “no candidate or political party is superior to the will of the Ghanaian people. Government is determined to enforce strictly the law on vigilantism. Any individual or group found culpable in falling foul of the law will be made to face its full rigours.”



President Akufo-Addo said this on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at Jubilee House, during a ceremony to swear in new ambassadors. They were one ambassador, one ambassador-in-situ and one ambassador-at-large.


He reiterated his unwavering determination to ensure the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections are conducted in a manner that is free, fair, transparent and credible.

According to him, vigilantism has no place in the democratic space of Ghana and Ghanaians must work together to ensure a peaceful and orderly election period.


Speaking on the economy, President Akufo-Addo cited the speedy growth post-COVID-19, saying that the growth justified the remarks he made that his government knew how to bring back the economy.

“The remark was made to justify the extraordinary, colossal expenditures that government had to make during the pandemic to afford relief and protection to the population.

“I believe in all humility that the nation is today appreciative of the validity of my statement as our economic recovery continues strongly on course,” he said.

President Akufo-Addo noted that in the first quarter of this year, the economy grew at 4.7 percent, much higher than the 3.1 percent forecast by the International Monetary Fund.

Led by growth in the real sectors of the economy, the industrial sector grew by 6.8 percent and the agricultural sector by 4.1 percent.

‘Indeed, we have taken an economy whose GDP was estimated in 2013 as 64 billion United States dollars but had contracted to fix the six million dollars by 2016, to one which is estimated currently at 76 billion United States dollars, an expansion of 20 billion United States dollars,’ he noted.


It was the sixth occasion in his second term that President Akufo-Addo had the honour of entrusting such important responsibilities to esteemed citizens.

The individuals are Major General Charles Kojo Abede Asomaning Awity, Ambassador to Serbia; Mr. Peprah Ampratwum Ambassador-in-situ and Alhaji Fawaz Aliu, Ambassador-at-Large.

President Akufo-Addo told the ambassadors that as they embark on the important journey, they have the full support of the government and people of Ghana.

In furtherance to that, he urged them to use every confidence in their abilities to uphold the values and interests of the nation.

“I urge you to carry out your duties with the highest level of integrity and professionalism. May your efforts bring honour to Ghana and contribute to the advancement of our national interests on the global stage,” he asserted.


On behalf of his colleagues, Ambassador Maj. Gen Charles Kojo Abede Asomaning Awity expressed “our immense appreciation and thanks to His Excellency, the President of the Republic, for the confidence and trust reposed in us.”

He said that they acknowledge their appointments as ambassadors as a privilege and distinct honour and not only view it as a recognition, but a call to dedicated service to their country.

He assured the President of their determination to vigorously and diligently pursue the shared aspirations and advance the foreign policy and national interest in the conduct and discharge of their duties and responsibilities.

The post No Candidate, Political Party Is Superior Than The Will Of The People-Akufo-Addo appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
