John Dramani Mahama

As he prepares to run in Ghana’s presidential elections of December 7 2024, John Dramani Mahama is establishing himself not only as a candidate, but also as a key player in African diplomacy.

Since stepping down as president in 2016, he has played a crucial role within the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), consolidating his image as a man of peace on the continent.

John Dramani Mahama
John Dramani Mahama

Far from retiring after his term of office, Mahama has been able to use his experience to tackle the political crises that are shaking Africa. As a former Head of State of Ghana, he has a deep understanding of the complex dynamics of conflict. This has enabled him to position himself as an effective mediator, an expertise that could work in his favour in the current electoral context.

A noticeable example of his commitment was his role during the political crisis in Gambia in 2017. Following disputed elections, incumbent President Yahya Jammeh refused to step down. ECOWAS then called on Mahama to facilitate dialogue between Jammeh and President-elect Adama Barrow. Thanks to his collaborative efforts, a peaceful solution was found, averting an armed conflict that could have destabilised the region.

John Dramani Mahama
John Dramani Mahama

– Mahama, an unwavering commitment to peace –

Mahama’s commitment is not limited to the Gambia. As the AU’s special envoy to Mali, he played an important role in negotiations aimed at stabilising the country after several coups. More recently, he was called upon to intervene in Burkina Faso, where political instability is threatening peace. His ability to bring together actors with divergent interests is a major asset in a climate of growing tensions.

John Mahama’s work in favour of peace and reconciliation has been widely praised, both by his African peers and by the international community. He embodies a new generation of leaders capable of transcending national borders to work for peace. In a context where political and security crises are omnipresent, his work is of crucial importance,and in particuar, for West Africa.

Former President John Dramani Mahama, during a media engagement at the Kempinski Hotel in Accra on Sunday, 7 July,
Former President John Dramani Mahama, during a media engagement at the Kempinski Hotel in Accra on Sunday, 7 July,

– Mahama, a symbol in Ghana and Africa –

As Ghana prepares for the December 2024 elections, Mahama’s stature as a peacemaker is bound to influence voters. His reputation as a committed mediator, as well as his experience as a leader, make him a strong candidate, capable of addressing the concerns of Ghanaians in the face of contemporary challenges.

Mahama is not just a presidential candidate; he is also a symbol of hope for many Ghanaians and Africans. His commitment to peace and stability, both nationally and internationally, makes him a key player in efforts to build a better future for his country and the continent.

Written by: Julien Tchoute
