Archbishop Porter Girls’ SHS are left wondering what went wrong after suffering a shocking defeat in their campaign opener on the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) stage.

The Western Region school were tipped as favourites in the Monday contest but it was Drobo SHS (Drosec) who advanced to the one-eighth stage of the competition.

Perhaps, the most painful factor of the defeat is that they lost by a single point.

The girl promised to live up to their billing during the initial stages of the contest, ending Round One, with a strong win. However, it was a spiral fall thereafter with Drosec taking charge and dictating the pace of the contest.

The Bono Region-based Drobo SHS showed character throughout the contest despite being behind after Round One.

The gap Drobo SHS gave after the rounds were so much for the favourites, Porter Girls’ SHS that despite the former failing to pick up points in the final lap, Porter Girls were unable to stop the upset.

But all hope is not lost, Porter Girls’ SHS who accumulated 32 points at the end of the contest, would keep their fingers crossed, hoping it would be enough to make the top 18 losing schools who will also progress to the elimination stages of the competition.

NSMQ2022: SMASCO plays spectator as Drobo SHS shocks Porter Girls in campaign opener

St. Mary’s Seminary and SHS from Lolobi in the Volta Region were mere spectators in the contest and could only amass 13 points which is unlikely to aid them to proceed.