The Center for Ageing Studies, Colleges of Humanities at the University of Ghana is mounting pressure on Parliament to expedite the passage of the Aged Persons Bill into law.

According to the centre, the bill when passed would highlight the principal guidelines for the holistic care of older persons.

Speaking to JoyBusiness at the media launch of the National Ageing Summit, Director of the Center for Ageing Studies, Colleges of Humanities, University of Ghana, Prof. Mavis Dako-Gyeke, stressed that it’s become necessary to devout time to focus on ageing-related issues to unearth solutions that could enhance their overall wellbeing.

“It’s of very great concern to us and we think that it needs to be passed now because it establishes the framework for which the rights of older persons will be upheld. 

“Because once you say the society is responsible for taking care of them, who and who would have to do what.

“So once we have that bill passed, it comes with a legislative instrument that comes out with responsibilities to ensuring that wellbeing and quality of lives of older people adhere in society”.

But a Representative at the Ministry of Children and Social Protection, Felix Logah assured that the bill will see the light of day sooner than later.

He added that the Ministry is committed to ensuring the passage of the Aged Person Bill.

Center for Ageing Studies, UG launches National Ageing Summit

“Even our presence here is a commitment, and that you can see. The ministry has to restructure its policy, planning and evaluation outfit to make sure that we have a unit for ageing and also a focal person for ageing”.

Meanwhile, Quality Insurance Company Limited says it will continue to support the aged with innovative insurance packages to enhance their economic livelihood.

Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Kobena Enu maintained his outfit is more than ready to support the aged under these harsh economic conditions with some innovative products.

“As an insurance company, as I said earlier, we are in this world to make a profit but can we make a profit if people are not happy? Let’s be minded that the baby boomers who are all more than sixty years have the most disposable income.

“And this is the generation we are talking about. We need to make them happy so that we can also take advantage of some of their disposable income with our insurance products”.

The National Ageing Summit is scheduled to come off in December 2022.