Chiefs in the Savannah Region have been urged to follow in the footsteps of the Bole Traditional Council by empowering their subjects through circular education in their respective traditional areas for growth and development.

The Bole Traditional Council, led by its President, Safo Kutuge Feso I in the Bole District of the Savannah Region, has initiated an annual Science and Maths quiz competition among Junior High School pupils in his traditional area as part of the Damba Festivities dubbed, “Kutuge Feso Quiz”.

The competition is aimed at improving educational standards at the basic level in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba and Bole districts which fall under his paramountcy.

In an interview with JoyNews during the competition, the Head of Supervision of Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District of the Ghana Education Service, Dery Debaanye said there is a need for all Chiefs in the Region to prioritise education in their respective paramountcy.

Bolewura urges chiefs in Savannah Region to empower their subjects through education

He said the program if well implemented, will project and improve the living condition of the people as well as build up a solid human resource base for the Region.

“This is the first of its kind in the Region because it is not usual to see a traditional leader rather not championing chieftaincy and probably, integrated issues but taking up this Maths and Science quiz and I think this is what our modern chiefs should be doing.

“And very soon, we will have Doctors and Engineers and the technical people that will contribute to development not only in Sawla- Tuna -Kalba and Bole districts, but the Savannah Region as a whole”, he stated.

While commending the Chief of Bole, Safo Kutuge Feso I for the initiative, Mr. Debaanye added that “Bolewura actually brought the National Science and Maths Quiz to our local level.”

Bolewura urges chiefs in Savannah Region to empower their subjects through education

“It has been brought down to us and this is going to provoke hygienic competition among the schools.”

“All the schools, including the students and teachers will begin to work hard considering the knowledge exhibited here”, Mr. Debaanye stated.

He noted that the program will also go a long way to, “contribute to demystify the fear that our students and teachers have for the Mathematics and English subjects in schools”.

On the impact of the program, Bolewura Kutuge Feso I said as a retired educationist, he owes it a duty to his subjects and Ghana to help produce quality human resources both at traditional and national levels.

“I’m excited to see how these little ones using the opportunity to exhibit what they learned in the classroom resource in the Region.

Bolewura urges chiefs in Savannah Region to empower their subjects through education

“It’s a collective duty to ensure that quality education is attained to the highest ladder and Bole Traditional area will be the winner… I’m indeed, very excited especially seeing the rural schools on top in this competition and this will be repeated next year”, Bolewura Safo Kutuge Feso I indicated.

On partnership, the Savannah Regional Representative of TV3 Ghana Most Beautiful, Miss Hariya Achor commended the traditional council for choosing education as a tool to develop and promised to partner them with her campaign which also falls within education.

The competition was organised in two Districts, Bole and Sawla -Tuna -Kalba and two semi-finalists, Nyange DA and St. Kizito Junior High Schools emerged from Sawla and Bole respectively.

Bolewura urges chiefs in Savannah Region to empower their subjects through education

The two schools will later lock horns with last year’s finalists for the grand finale on Friday, 21st October 2022 in Bole.