The Paramount Chief of Wuti and Miafiaga of Anlo, Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe, has urged residents of Anlo to see volunteerism as a great opportunity to excel in life.        

Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI noted that volunteerism is an excellent way of building up oneself into a more quality and responsible person ready for the job market.

He gave the advice during the Nugoryiza festival held in Wuti in the Anloga District where he outlined projects he intends to execute for the community.

“Volunteerism is a very important tool everyone especially the youth need to have in order to help them excel in life,“ he said.

Engage in volunteerism to develop yourselves – Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI urges residents

Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI outlined some development projects which according to him are important and urgent and will be executed for the development of the area.

These projects include the construction of a community hall, a modern health center, and dredging of the lagoon.

He also commended the people, especially the youth of the area, for their selfless roles in making the Anlo land a better place to be, and for their volunteerism in the development of the land.

Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI noted that the Volta River dam project was a big project that helped the country, but also affected the Anlo area in terms of fishing activities due to the blockade of water making it difficult for canoes and boats to ply Anyanui and Ada by water for business.

“Dredging the lagoon will go a long way to boost the economic activities of the communities around the lagoon and also bring revenue to the assembly,” Torgbui Nyaho Tamekloe VI said.

Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI further urged residents to make collaborative efforts in making sure that the projects intended to be done become a success to the benefit of the various communities in the Anlo land.

Torgbui also took the opportunity to rally state authorities to come dredge the lagoon.

According to him, the authorities have failed to dredge the lagoon; further inhibiting economic activities in the area.

Engage in volunteerism to develop yourselves – Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI urges residents

He recalled how he used to solicit for funds from Canada some time back just to help the locals do it on their own.

He urged the authorities to as a matter of urgency help dredge the lagoon in order to bring back the once vibrant fishing communities to its former glory.

Torgbui Nyaho Tamakloe VI said he was happy when he heard the news that the Volta River Authority had plans underway to bring their equipment to start the dredging of the lagoon.

Torgbui urged residents to help the traditional leaders and authorities to bring development to the area by engaging in voluntary activities.