Accra Basketball League Division I side, Braves of Customs have been crowned 2021/22 ABL champions.

The side have reclaimed their ABL crown after Reformers of Prisons failed to turn up to play the remaining 7:02 minutes after a power outage in Game 2 of the playoff series.

On October 29, Reformers were accused by Braves to have intentionally turned off lights to the court, when Braves seemed to be on the path to tying the series after taking lead of Game 2 in the 4th quarter.

Four days later, officials of the two teams: sports officer, coaching staff and captain for Braves, and for Reformers, its deputy sports officer, coaching staff and team managers, were summoned, in attempts to find a workable solution to the feud which threatened to grow between both parties.

Despite opposition raised by Reformers arguing for Game 2 to be restarted since the 48hrs window for a game continuation had expired, it was rather agreed the last seven minutes of Game 2 was to restart on November 3, at 3pm.

However, only three players of Reformers showed up on November 3, and were accompanied with a letter to organizers explaining officers released to participate were unavailable. And with Prisons unable to raise players for the game’s continuation, Braves were crowned champions.