President Akufo-Addo says government is committed to building 100 new courts across the country, of which 60% is completed.

President Akufo-Addo said this at Battor at the durbar of Chiefs and people where he also commissioned the North Tongu District Court.

He noted that it is difficult to make the rule of law paramount if people find it difficult to easily access the courts.   

Akufo-Addo commissions North Tongu District Court  

“We talk about wanting to live in a country where the rule of law is what governs the affairs of the nation. But it is difficult to make the rule of law paramount if people find it difficult to have access to the courts,” President Akufo-Addo said. 

He urged the Chiefs and people to ensure the facility is well taken care of for its intended purpose.

Speaking on roads, the President noted that it is a fact that the roads are not too good but government is committed at ensuring that roads are constructed and on time to improve the economic activities of the people. 

He called on the residents to be a little patient as the roads will be constructed in a systematic order for the benefit of all. 

“You know that everywhere in Ghana everybody is demanding roads and more roads. And it’s appropriate. It’s appropriate. Our roads are not good enough. My were making a big effort in my time to address the question of roads, but it needs to be a little patient as you go after the roads systematically,” he said.

Akufo-Addo commissions North Tongu District Court  

President Akufo-Addo also promised that the Volivo bridge will be done soon. 

Paramount Chief of Battor, Torgbe Patamia Dzekle VII enumerated the need for the town roads and Volivo bridge to be constructed as early as possible 

The DCE for North Tongu, Divine Osborne Fenu, in an interview noted that the visit of the President is a great opportunity for the residents especially so they could express themselves in terms of developmental needs of the area.

Mr Fenu noted that, the completed court structure has with it, completed accommodation complex for the magistrate at Aveyime so the people would not have to travel all the way to Sogakope or Adidome to seek for justice 

“The completed Court structure, has with it, completed accommodation complex for the magistrate, at Aveyime. So, the people of North Tongu are ready to take off immediately, so that our people will not need to travel all the way to Sogakope or Adidome to seek justice any longer” Fenu said.