The Royal Anona Family of Busua announces for the information of the good people of Ahanta and the general public that the royal family has not enstooled an overlord.

Mr Kwabena Antwi whose alleged ancession to the Ahanta throne is being challenged

A statement issued at Busua and signed by Ebusuapayin Bolo Kwaw (Anona Royal Family, Busua) said one Kwabena Antwi, who is parading and carrying himself as overlord of Ahanta, is news to the family.

The following is the full statement;

THE Royal Anona Family of Busua announces for the information of the good people of Ahanta and the general public that the royal family has not enstooled an overlord, so for one Kwabena Antwi to parade and carry himself as overlord of Ahanta is news to us.

This is because the royal family, together with the kingmakers of Ahanta, has not enstooled an overlord, neither has anyone by the name Kwabena Antwi, a former Parliamentary Candidate on the ticket of the Progressive Peoples Party (PPP) in the Kwesimntsim Constituency of the Western region, been enstooled as Overlord of Ahanta.

Kwabena Antwi is an imposter to the Busua stool and the people of Ahanta and the general public should treat him as such. An advertisement carried in the Ghanaian Times dated 14th July,2023 has a picture of Kwabena Antwi announcing himself as overlord of Ahanta, under the stool name Otumfuo Baidoo Bonsoe XVl.

The advertisement has one Egyan Bula and Obaahemaa Sene AkubalV announcing themselves as Ebusuapayin and Paramount Queenmotherof Ahanta respectively, together with the Principal Elders of the royal Anona Family of Busua, formally announcing the installation of Otumfuo Baidoe Bonsoe XVl, as the Omanhene of Ahanta Traditional Area.

The advertisement was signed by Ebusuapyin Egyam Bula and Ohenemaa Sene Akuba lV, as paramount Queenmother. We, the royal family of Otumfuo Baidoo Bonsoe by this press statement are making it clear that there is no one by name Egyam Bula as Ebusuapayin of Baidoo Bonsoe family. Neither do we know anyone by name Obaahemaa SenaAkuba IV, as paramount Queenmother.

The two are unknown to the royal Otumfuo Baidoo Bonsoe XV family and, therefore, have no capacity to enstool an overlord in the person of Kwabena Antwi. The Ahanta tradition is clear on who has traditional authority and power to enstool an overlord. The power to enstool an overlord is vested in the hands of the royal family and the king makers.

Currently, the Ahanta Traditional Council has an acting president, in the person of Nana EziakulV, Tufohene and chief of Agona.

For this reason, the people of Ahanta and the general public should disregard Kwabena Antwi as overlord of Ahanta. He is an imposter and should be treated with the highest contempt.

Otumfuo Baidoo Bonsoe XV remains the overlord of Ahanta and at the appropriate time, the royal family will brief Ahantasand the general public about his health status. Our overlord is unwell at the moment and is seeking treatment and hopefully, he would return to occupy his stool.

Signed by Ebusuapayin Bolo Kwaw (AnonaRoyal Family, Busua)

The post Baidoe Bonsoe Family denies installation of new Ahanta chief appeared first on The Chronicle News Online.
