The Network of Commercial Agriculture Production (NETCAP), a body of large scale commercial farmers has called on government to join hands with the group to avert a possible food security crisis in the country.

According to the group, current trend shows there could be a possible food shortage which needs emergency measures to address the issue.

Commercial farmers warn of possible food shortage; want government to support them increase production

The group said there was the need for government to support farmers to produce more to secure the country from heading into food security challenges. 

Addressing the media in Tamale, the Secretary of NETCAP, Toatoba Joshua, said even though government has instituted some farmer-centered policies they were not sufficient to combat the escalating financial crisis. 

He said challenges such as the high cost of fertilizer and farm inputs including high-yielding certified seeds, chemicals, and others would erode the gains made in the agric sector if not addressed before the next farming season.

Mr Toatoba raised concerns over the implementation of some of government’s interventions which he said were poorly coordinated.

He said they are aware that government is in discussion with stakeholders to find solutions to the present economic challenges, including the challenges in the agriculture sector, but cautioned government to be wary of solutions that may set back the achievements made in the agriculture sector over the past few years.

Commercial farmers warn of possible food shortage; want government to support them increase production

NETCAP is a body of about 200 large-scale commercial farmers who together cultivate more than 20,000 hectares of food ranging from maize to soybeans. 

They collectively produced more than 80,000 metric tons of grain in the 2021 cropping year.

The network of 200 farmers also works with over 5,000 smallholder farmers in the five regions of the north. 

The group with their smallholder out-growers produces more than 100,000 metric tons of grains annually.

The vision of the group is to revolutionize agriculture in the savannah ecological zone and make Ghana the grain food basket in West Africa