For many who took part in the 2022 Global Prayer Summit led by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, USA, it was a rare opportunity to reconnect with God.

The about 2,000 believers who participated in the summit engaged in fervent prayers, not only for themselves but for their families, communities and nations.

The July 13 to 16 programme, themed ‘Mount Up with Eagles Wings’, was not just about prayer.

Duncan-Williams hosts 10th edition of Global Prayer Summit

There were also healing services and teaching sessions led by Archbishop Duncan-Williams and other anointed teachers of the word of God.

Duncan-Williams hosts 10th edition of Global Prayer Summit

They included Prophetess Francina Norman, Prophet Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh, Prophet Elisha Osei, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, Apostle Don Mears and Dr Sam Chand.


Those who attended the summit expecting a supernatural touch from God were left in awe of God’s power, as many lives were saved and several testimonies recorded.

“When we were worshipping, I saw the Holy Spirit begin to circle me like a white fire and then a yellow fire. It began to encircle me and then engulf me. I was aware that someone carried me up front, but I could not stand for a long time.”

Duncan-Williams hosts 10th edition of Global Prayer Summit

“When I finally began to get up, I saw a grave under me, and I knew that the (former version of myself) ‘Elizabeth’ had died and right there on that floor God had raised me to a new life,” one participant disclosed.

Another participant said, “During one of the prayer sessions, I received a call from my son, and immediately I could tell from his voice that he was troubled. There was a certain amount of anxiety in his voice, as he is in a fearful position at work.”

“After deep prayers, intercession and supplications during the session with Archbishop Duncan-Williams, my son texted me back and told me he was so much better. I believe in the power of strategic prayers because they make the difference.”

Addressing the gathering during one of the prayer sessions, Archbishop Duncan-Williams re-echoed the need for believers to pray without ceasing, saying: “Every Christian ought to take prayer more seriously than they are doing now. The enemy is not giving up, so you also have to pray fervently.”

The four-day event climaxed with a dinner to mark its 10th anniversary.