Dr Kwabena Donkor, MP for Pru East

A former Minister for Power and the Member of Parliament (MP) for Pru East, Dr Kwabena Donkor, has flown off the handle over The Chronicle publication that he and some colleague MPs visited the Jubilee House, seat of government, to thank President Akufo-Addo for the massive projects that have sprung up in their respective constituencies.

In a rejoinder sent the Spear of the Nation, the former minister admitted that he and colleague National Democratic Congress (NDC) MPs were at the Jubilee House on Tuesday, this week, but denied that they were there to thank the president for the massive projects in their constituencies. The following is the full rejoinder sent to us.

I, Dr Kwabena Donkor on behalf of the Bono East MPs, who accompanied Nananom (and particularly the NDC MPs) to the Jubilee House yesterday, 30th August, 2022 urge members of the National Democratic Congress and the general public to disregard The Chronicle newspaper publication dated Wednesday, August 31, 2022 with the headline “NDC MPS Visit Jubilee House to thank Akufo Addo for Massive projects in their Constituencies’’

The Bono East Regional House of Chiefs paid a courtesy call on His Excellency, President Akufo-Addo yesterday. MPs and MCEs from the Region were invited to accompany Nananom.

Three Paramount Chiefs in my Constituency, one of whom is the President of the House of Chiefs were present and so my Colleagues and I accompanied Nananom.

Indeed, the President even joked that this was the first time a meeting was held in Jubilee House where NDC MPs outnumbered NPP MPs (and rightly so). NDC has eight out of the eleven parliamentary seats in the Region.

The Chiefs thanked the President for creating the Bono East Region as custom and tradition demanded.

They then went further to remind HE the President of some commitment the government made, including the establishment of a public university in the region and the promise of Office building to house the House of Chiefs, among others.

Nananom then took the opportunity to draw the President’s attention to the abandonment of site by a number of road contractors working in the Region on critical highways and town roads. It was a fruitful meeting.

It is worth mentioning that NDC won in Ten of the Eleven Constituencies in the Presidential Election and Eight out of the Eleven, with one still being contested in Court.

As loyal sons and daughters of the Bono East Region, we would continue to support our revered traditional rulers in the quest to develop the Bono East Region for the benefit of Ghana and the Region.

We are not deterred by the opportunistic propaganda of a few journalists with their own anti-development agenda.
