The German Development Cooperation, GIZ, and the Labor Department of the Employment Ministry have embarked on an awareness campaign exercise in the Bono Regional capital of Sunyani.

It aims to increase awareness of the services and mandates of the Labor Department and the risks of irregular migration, particularly in the Bono, Bono East, and Ahafo Regions.

These Regions are migration-prone areas, mainly due to youth unemployment.

According to the 2021 Ghana Statistical Service report, one in every three young adults is unemployed.

GIZ partners Employment Ministry to sensitise youth on irregular migration

And in their attempt to overcome the challenge, they fall victim to fraudulent middlemen with the promise of jobs in Ghana or travel outside the country. It results in many fatalities and sexual exploitations.

There is also the issue of migrants returning home after failed attempts in Europe and being confronted with various reintegration challenges.

To help deal with the situation, GIZ and the Labor Department collaborated to also sensitize the public on the work and functions of the Labor Department in employment support for jobseekers in line with the efforts of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations.

GIZ partners Employment Ministry to sensitise youth on irregular migration

The campaign, which took place concurrently in Goaso, Sunyani, and Techiman, was on the theme, “Promoting Employability and Employment in Ghana: Our Youth, Our Jobs, Our Future.”

Bono Regional Labour Officer, Isaac Maalma-Kaminta, said the youth should consider the labour departments as their first option to help save them from the dangers associated with irregular migration, hence the need for awareness creation on their services.

“This will consequently create a community-led effort as well as regional/national discourse on the topic of migration and employment which will ultimately lead to engagement of policymakers in the medium to long term.”

GIZ partners Employment Ministry to sensitise youth on irregular migration
Bono Regional Labour Officer, Isaac Maalma-Kaminta

“Labor departments exist to help job seekers find suitable employment as well as help employers to find suitable applicants to fill their vacancies.

“Even if you come to our offices and you don’t want formal employment, there are opportunities available that we can support you to start your business with support from GIZ,” he explained during the campaign float in Sunyani.

He further explained that they also train people with some basic skills and “currently we are training people in fashion, bakery, among others, with over 5,000 people benefited so far.”

He urged the youth to take advantage of the many opportunities available at the Labour Department.

GIZ, through the migration and employment promotion project, is collaborating with the Department to build capacity, improve infrastructure, promote employment, and raise awareness.

GIZ partners Employment Ministry to sensitise youth on irregular migration

Joshua Ahiaba, the Bono Regional adviser for the project, said the project is being implemented based on the four focal areas commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by GIZ.

“Since the Labor Department plays a very important role in employment promotion, GIZ is working to empower the department to be able to function effectively.

“And through that, we are rebranding some of their offices, building regional offices in Goaso and Techiman, among others,” he said.

GIZ partners Employment Ministry to sensitise youth on irregular migration

He stated that only about 7 per cent of the public knew about the Labor Department and what they do.

The expectation is to change the narrative and “more importantly, direct young people, job seekers to the Department and solicit for the needed help in employment-related issues.”