Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor, has disclosed the government’s quest to make Ghana the mining hub in Africa.

He believes the country can achieve this by building the human resource base of the mining industry.

The Minister was speaking at the 5th national conference of human resource management in the mining industry.

Government seeks to make Ghana the mining hub in Africa – Jinapor

International consulting firm, Korn Ferry, estimates that by 2030, there will be a global talent shortage of over eighty-five million people.

It indicates industries that require highly skilled labour will be the hardest hit.

The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources has observed the need for human resource professionals to attract and retain new talents to meet the industry’s future demands.

Samuel Abu Jinapor noted the sustainability of Ghana’s mining industry and the quest to make Ghana the mining hub of Africa lies in training and building local capacity.

“The vision of President Akufo-Addo is to make Ghana the mining hub of Africa, where all mining and mining related activities, from exploration to downstream production, and from research to innovation, will be centred. This requires that we build a human resource base, with strong local content and local participation, that responds to the future needs of the industry, not only in mining, but across the entire value chain.”

Mr Jinapor advised the Human Resource Professionals in the mining industry, to as a matter of importance, familiarise themselves with the requirements of L.I. 2431, particularly the localisation programme for the recruitment and training of Ghanaians. 

“The mining industry, in particular, is associated with many risks, and motivation and fair treatment are important for our workforce, who form the backbone of our success, to give out their best. This can only be achieved when Human Resource Departments work closely with workers’ unions to build consensus and strive towards organisational objectives together.”

With advancements in technology, even the most experienced workers need to update their knowledge to stay relevant in the industry.

Government seeks to make Ghana the mining hub in Africa – Jinapor

The conference seeks to find solutions to challenges confronting the industry, employers and labour.

The theme, “Transforming people management for sustainable mining industry in Ghana”, aligns with the mission statement of the Ghana Chamber of Mines to use “resources and capabilities of its members to deliver services to government and community needs to enhance sustainable development”.

“Effective people management is intrinsically linked to corporate performance and sustainability, hence the need for HR practitioners to constantly update themselves on managing employees. Human resources is the central pillar of any organisation’s success, and the Chamber is keen to see the attraction and retention of the best talent in our industry,” Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber, Sulemanu Koney said.

Government seeks to make Ghana the mining hub in Africa – Jinapor

In line with this, the Chamber has taken various initiatives to support the human capital development of the industry. 

Mr. Jinapor revealed that the Ministry has handed over USD83,538 research grant to six faculty members and five post-graduate students at the University to conduct research in the mining industry.

“The mining industry can be more productive and sustainable with the confluence of research, attraction and retention of the right talent and skills. We will therefore continue to support academia through the Chamber’s Tertiary Education Fund (TEF) to develop the right pipeline of talent and skills for our industry, and for Ghana as a whole,” he said.

Government seeks to make Ghana the mining hub in Africa – Jinapor
Managing Director of Anglogold Ashanti Obuasi Mine, Dr. Eric Asubonteng

Managing Director of Anglogold Ashanti Obuasi Mine, Dr. Eric Asubonteng, advised stakeholders in the mining industry to nurture industry workforce practical skills and modern mining methods.

He revealed that, “AGA is taking practical steps with Mac Partners in developing local capacities in the Obuasi enclave. We want to make good use of our old training facilities to commence a program and train the youth with the needed skills in engineering traits, trackless mining equipment operation and specialist modern mechanized underground mining equipment”.

The conference on human resource management in the mining industry is an initiative of the Ghana Chamber of Mines supported by AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine.