The Editorial Team of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM), a Q1 Journal in Architecture hosted by Emerald Publishing has selected Dr. Kofi Agyekum of the Department of Construction Technology and Management, KNUST, as one of the three global recipients for the outstanding reviewer award.

ECAM publishes original peer-reviewed research papers, case studies, technical notes, book reviews, features, discussions and other contemporary articles that advance research and practice in engineering, construction and architectural management.

KNUST’s Dr. Kofi Agyekum receives Outstanding Reviewer Award at the 2022 Emerald Literati Awards

Reviewers are essential to the scholarly publishing process; academics rely on peer review to verify their research and add value to it through critical engagement before publication. Reviewers are specialists in a given area of research and are well placed to assess the soundness of an author’s work and share their own knowledge.

Dr. Kofi Agyekum is a Professional Peer Reviewer and Mentor with certifications from the Web of Science Academy. He is currently a member of the Acta Structilia Journal’s Editorial Board, which is hosted by the University of the Free State in South Africa.

He serves as a Peer Reviewer for a number of prestigious journals, including: Elsevier’s Safety Science, Journal of Building Engineering and Heliyon; ASCE’s Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, and Journal of Architectural Engineering; Emerald’s Construction Innovation, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, Journal of Financial Management of Property, Career Development, Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment, and Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management; Taylor and Francis’ International Journal of Construction Management, Journal of Architecture, and Cogent Engineering; MDPI’s Buildings, Sustainability, and International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

In 2021, Dr. Agyekum became the first Ghanaian resident Academic to win three global Outstanding Peer Review Awards. Two of the awards were from the 2021 Emerald Literati Awards from the International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, and Construction Innovation. The remaining award was from Taylor and Francis’ International Journal of Construction Management. 

Through hard work and tenacity, Dr Agyekum has published several quality research works. These include; four (4) co-authored books, one (1) co-edited book, seven (7) co-authored book chapters, One hundred and four (104) peer-reviewed journal papers, and forty-six (46) papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

Dr. Agyekum completed Opoku Ware Secondary School in 2004 and entered KNUST in 2005 where he read BSc. Building Technology.  He holds certificates in BSc. Building Technology (KNUST), MPhil. Building Technology (KNUST) and PhD Building Technology (KNUST). He is also a Commonwealth Academic Fellow from the University of Loughborough in the UK.

He was appointed as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Construction Technology and Management in 2013 and has risen through the ranks to the level of Senior Lecturer. His areas of specialization are Circular Economy in Construction, Building Pathology, Green Sustainable and Lean Construction, Construction Health and Safety, and Construction Project Management.