The ladies wing of Future Global Resource (FGR) Bogoso Prestea Limited has launched an awareness campaign to fight Breast Cancer in their immediate working environment.

Dubbed ‘RISE’, the campaign is aimed at educating both men and women against breast cancer as October is globally named ‘Pink Month’, to sensitize the world on the breast cancer menace.

The theme for this year’s campaign RISE, means ‘Rally In Supporting Everyone’, ‘Rally In Screening Everyone’, and ‘Rally In Serving Everyone.’

President of the Ladies Club of FGR, Madam Primilla Osei explained that they have also joined the rest of the world to fight breast cancer and as such they have laid down some activities to create awareness.

Lady miners in Bogoso Prestea launch RISE campaign against Breast Cancer

She said a Breast Cancer Awareness Education, screening and Empowerment week would be observed in the second week of October and a prostate cancer health screening for the men will be organized in the third week of October.

“As we seek for healthy breasts, we should also look out for our men, thus we will have a prostate check for them too. This is to ensure we all live healthy and happily,” she said.

Madam Osei again mentioned that there would be a fundraising activity to generate funds to support the campaign and called on all well-meaning persons within Bogoso and Prestea to donate towards the campaign.

She said they would end the month with some physical activities like aerobics to promote exercising and good living among the staff and community members.

The health screening would be done in partnership with Premier Specialist Hospital.