Small scale miners operating a concession at Wamase in the Akrofuom district have clashed with the youth of the community over mining rights.

Maurice Jonas Woode – DCE for Akrofuom

The youth, who operate what is locally called “Small China” are resisting deprivation of their livelihoods, following the seeming takeover of farmlands by the small scale miners.

Last month, a traditional ruler in the community, who is taking care of the lands in trust of the Akrokerri Stool, allegedly allocated the concession to the miners.

The said traditional ruler replaced Nana Kwadwo Nkrumah II, who was suspended as Odikro (caretaker chief) six months ago for allegedly resisting pressure by traditional authorities to sell out lands to miners at the expense of the livelihood of the residents.

Hon. Nicholas Wireko Brobbey – Assemblyman Wamase Electoral area

A group of machomen, claiming to have acquired the concession for small scale mining clashed with the youth, who use simple implements to mine,unlike the use of excavators by the small scale miners.

When the youth resisted the incursions of the machomen, they fired warning shots to scare them away, but the youth managed to overpower the machomen, breaking the windscreens of a vehicle with registration number GT-9055-W, which conveyed the alleged macho men to the area.

They had to abandon their vehicle and flee for their dear lives. The equipment of the miners were also vandalised by the youth, leading to the arrest and detention of the youth leader, Isaac Abu, alias Azigi, by the Bidiem police at Obuasi.

The deserted vehicle belonging to the machomen

The youth, who were incensed by the arrest of Azigi, threatened a reprisal attack, but the swift intervention of the Assemblyman for the area, Nicholas Wireko Brobbey, in collaboration with Maurice Jonas Woode, the District Chief Executive for Akrofuom, averted the mayhem.

Azigi has since been released to calm down the nerves of the youth.

Wireko Brobbey reports that calm has since been restored to the community as the miners are going about their small-scale mining activities, while the youth continue with their “Small China” operations to earn a living.

The youth have, however, threatened to resist any attempts from any quarters to take over their farmlands without their consent.

The post Miners, Youth Clash Over Concession At Wamase …Car, Equipment Vandalised Amid Shootings  appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
