The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Dakoa Newman, has announced that the government has initiated steps to ensure that all the processes involved in the Ghana School Feeding Programme is digitalized.

Minister for Information, Fatimatu Abubakar coordinating the media briefing

The Minister assured the media that the programme will no longer rely on the manual system but will soon launch an Information Management System (IMS) to manage the entire process. She said the system will manage the caterer selection, data collection and the payment modules.

She reiterated that the digitalized system, which seeks to increase efficiency and transparency in the programme’s operations will commence in September 2024-2025 academic years.

“We are moving away from a manual system to an online system, where everything will be done electronically and this will help us to streamline the process, reduce duplication and increase accountability,” she stated.

Madam Dakoa Newman made the announcement at the Ministers’ Press Briefing series in Accra yesterday.

Addressing the media, the minister noted that with the new system, prospective caterers would be required to apply online, pay a fee of GHC200 and create a profile to be considered under the programme.

She said caterers would also have to provide details including health certificates, business operating permit and declare financial capabilities among others.

Madam Newman emphasised that the digital system would provide immediate updates, allowing the Ministry to monitor the progress more effectively.

“It’s going to give us real time update, we will know today the number of caterers who cooked, without having to wait till the end of the term,” she emphasized.

The Minister also announced that the system would be piloted in the New Juaben South and Krachi East districts before it will be rolled out nationwide.

She encouraged caterers to apply online and take advantage of the new system.

“This is a key step towards a paperless society and a greener society, we are excited to launch this new system and improve the efficiency of the Ghana School Feeding Programme,” she said.

The Minister also announced that Parliament passed the Affirmative Action Bill on July 30, 2024. The Minister explained that although the bill had been passed in Parliament, it is yet to reach the President.

“The head of legislation is still tidying up a few things on the Act and once he is done tidying it up, then it can be sent to the President for his ascent.

“So, the final bill you will see is a bit different from the one that is seen on social media, but a lot of the parts and clauses remain the same,” the Minister clarified.

The Act aims at promoting gender equality and women empowerment by addressing the systemic barriers that have hindered women in the Ghanaian society.

She made the announcement during the Minister’s Press Briefing organised by the Ministry of Information in Accra, today.

Dakoa Newman dispelled the misconception about the bill fueling tokenism, stating that Ghanaian women are qualified to hold positions and reminded the public to support its implementation.

She expressed her delight that Ghanaian girls are now opting for STEM Programmes and was optimistic that they would soon qualify to be part of the 50% gender parity target in the Act.

She noted that the Act was progressive and prioritizes equity and not equality.

“If you check the first schedule, it talks about 30% from 2024 to 2026, then a minimum of 35% from 2027 to 2028 and 50% from 2029 to 2030”, She explained.

She added that although the bill spelt out offences such as jail term or penalty unit, her outfit is more interested in advocating for the portion of the bill which has some tax incentives to private organisations who adhere to the Act.

The post School Feeding Programme Goes Digital Next Month appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
