The arrival of the Vice President, Mahamudu Bawumia, last week in the Western Region, specifically the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, for a political campaign tour, appears to have worked magic as, most particularly, most of the deplorable roads were being fixing and re-graveled.

Traffic pile up as the road undergo fixing

Portions which, hitherto, were giving motorists stress were graveled and fixed day and night before the arrival of the Vice President for the days of his political campaign tour of the region.


The Apowa St. Mary’s portion of the main Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Highway was graveled to make the road more motorable.

The portion of the road in question was in a deplorable state, and motorists had to go through a stress time when traversing it.  The portion had developed potholes making it extremely difficult for drivers to ply it.

Vehicles would have to meander their way in order to cross that portion of the road. As for saloon cars, it was difficult plying that portion, given the extent of the deplorable condition.

In the end, it culminates in traffic congestion to the discomfort of commuters.

As at the time of filing this report, the once pothole-ridden road had been fixed making driving smooth and reducing traffic the congestion.


The Apremdo Apollo portion of the road, which is also part of the same ECOWAS Highway, including the Kwesimintsim part, which had deep potholes, had also seen graveling making driving smooth.


This road, which has remained the most deplorable, is a death trap, because most vehicles get stuck on it.

Recently, a coach of Intercity STC heading to Abidjan was trapped after it got stuck in one of the potholes, and had to take a haulage truck to pull it out. This is not the first time a vehicle has been stuck in one of the potholes on that stretch. Two foreign haulage trucks have also been struck on that portion.

But the stress drivers and commuters had to endure appears over after a philanthropist decided to fix the road. Last week Thursday, the road was graveled and fixed.

The post Sekondi-T’di deplorable roads were fixed for Bawumia tour? appeared first on The Chronicle News Online.
