Hundreds of traditional worshipers are currently gathered in the shrine of Afetorku Gbodzi at Dagbamate in the Akatsi South district to celebrate the annual festival.  

The Afetorku festivity, which falls in line with the Easter celebration which honours the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, has many traditional worshipers who meet annually to pay homage to their gods who according to them provide their every need.

2023 Afetorku Gbodzi Festival: Residents want government to construct access roads to town 

The celebration which was held in a huge chapel liked shrine has huge patronage from all over the world with very notable people in the society including some known politicians. 

2023 Afetorku Gbodzi Festival: Residents want government to construct access roads to town 

This year’s activity which is moderated by Nugorgbea Kofi Moses Davor after the demise of Hunua Yao Dunyo, who ruled for several decades,  seeks to honour the gods of Afetorku Gbodzi for the many things done for the residents. 

2023 Afetorku Gbodzi Festival: Residents want government to construct access roads to town 

Nugorgbea (High Priest ) Moses Davor admonished the worshipers who were all clad in white and a touch of black to always show gratitude to the gods of Afetorku Gbodzi. 

Some of the residents who spoke with JoyNews asked that at least government does something about the access roads to the community.

2023 Afetorku Gbodzi Festival: Residents want government to construct access roads to town 

The residents who said most of the developmental projects were funded with proceeds from the shrine said there is an urgent need for government to take a second look at helping the community. 

This year’s celebration is under the theme, of loyalty and integrity and the celebration is expected to last for one week to raise funds for other developmental projects.