Eleven persons on board a Hyundai Grace car are currently battling for their lives after they sustained varying degrees of injuries in a ghastly accident at the Assin Nyankomase-Brofoyedru stretch of the Kumasi Highway.

The vehicle with registration number AC 1469-22 is said to have lost control after it burst a tire after landing in a pothole resulting in the car somersaulting.

The Assin Fosu Division of MTTD officers, led by Inspector Godwin Tsikata, swiftly moved to the scene to rescue passengers and initiate an investigation into the cause of the accident.

The accident scene has however been cleared with the damaged vehicle towed away to make way for vehicular movement.

Men Injured in gory accident
Men Injured in gory accident

Police, as part of their investigation, have visited the injured persons at the St. Francis Xavier Hospital who are currently receiving treatment.
