KIGALI, Rwanda, 3 August 2022,-/African Media Agency (AMA)/-
The African Masters of Machine Intelligence (AMMI) will prepare well-rounded Machine Intelligence (MI) researchers by focusing on basic research in MI and developing a vast array of applications that respond to both the present and future needs of Africa and the world. AMMI graduates will go on to create and/or join the best industrial and public R&D labs in Africa and beyond, strengthening the African MI community and the scientific community at large, achieving crucial breakthroughs for the global good.
Basic Requirements
The minimum admission requirements are:
- A bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering or a recognized equivalent from an accredited institution;
- A satisfactory scholastic average, usually a minimum average of B (or 80%) or better, is required;
- Interest and/or background in artificial intelligence, machine learning etc. demonstrated in courses taken and projects undertaken;
- Consent to mentor an undergraduate student at your previous institution while enrolled at AMMI; Consent to mentor an AMMI student after graduation;
- Strong interest in solving national or continental problems using science and technology.
For more detailed information on acceptance documents, please contact the AMMI Admissions Office
Note: Your Original degrees, diplomas, academic certificates and transcripts should be in your possession upon arrival on Campus.
Academic History
Required transcripts records: Upload your official transcripts with your application. These include transcripts from every post-secondary institution attended, including summer sessions and extension programs. All academic records that are not originally in English or French should be issued in their original language and accompanied by English-certified translations.
At least three references are required. Be sure to inform your recommenders that they will be reached to provide a recommendation letter on your behalf. Your recommenders are asked to give their impressions of your intellectual ability, aptitude in research or professional skills, character, and previous work quality.
Personal Statement
The personal statement should tell us about yourself, your academic achievements, aspirations and other important accomplishments (i.e., projects, online courses, awards, etc.) related to AI and Machine Learning. It should also paint a picture of your academic aspirations, including post-masters. (500 words max)
Background Summary
- You may choose to submit a 90-second video instead. This does not need to be a professionally made video, but we recommend that sound and lighting be clear.
- Please submit a complete CV starting with your most recent experience first.
Note: Prospective students applying for AIMS are welcome to apply for AMMI.
Application Deadline: 31 August 2022.
Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS).