
The #DumsorMustStop protest, spearheaded by actress and movie producer Yvonne Nelson, successfully culminated in a demonstration against the persistent erratic power supply affecting various parts of the country.

The protesters marched through key streets of Accra, drawing attention to the inconveniences, health risks, and financial burdens caused by the ongoing ‘dumsor’ crisis.

In a formal move, the organizers in writing laid a petition addressed to President Akufo-Addo on June 8, 2024, detailing their grievances and demanding immediate action to resolve the power supply issues.

Read below:

1. Healthcare: Our hospitals are struggling to provide adequate care, especially during critical moments such as childbirth. The lack of a reliable power supply puts both mothers and newborns at risk, undermining our healthcare system and endangering lives.

2. Businesses; Entrepreneurs and businesses, from small vendors to large enterprises, are experiencing significant operational challenges due to the inconsistent power supply. This is leading to financial losses, layoffs, and, in some cases, the closure of businesses. Our economy cannot thrive under such conditions.

3. Daily Life: The constant power outages are disrupting the daily lives of Ghanaians, affecting education, productivity, and overall well-being. It is a source of frustration and despair for many, eroding the trust and confidence that citizens have in our leadership.

Your Excellency, Mr. President, and Dr. Prempeh, we urge you to prioritize this issue with the urgency it demands. We need transparent and effective solutions to ensure a stable and reliable power supply for all Ghanaians. We implore you to take the following actions:

1. Immediate Measures; Implement short-term strategies to mitigate the current power shortages and provide relief to affected areas.

2. Long-term Solutions: Develop and communicate a comprehensive plan to upgrade and expand our power infrastructure, incorporating sustainable energy sources to prevent future occurrences of Dumsor.

3. Accountability: Ensure transparency in the management of our energy resources and hold those responsible for inefficiencies accountable.

Ghana has the potential to be a beacon of progress and development in Africa, but we cannot achieve this if we are constantly hindered by power crises. We are confident that with decisive action and commitment, we can overcome this challenge and build a brighter future for our nation.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, we look forward to your prompt response and to seeing tangible improvements in our power supply situation.

Yours sincerely,

Yvonne Nelson

Henry Akoto Osei

Selorm Dramani Dzramado
