The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP), Kissi Agyebeng has been involved in several high-profile investigations that have generated controversy.

Critics have often accused the OSP of being politically biased.

There have been claims that investigations and prosecutions have disproportionately targeted members of the opposition party, while individuals from the ruling party have not faced similar scrutiny.

This perceived bias undermines public confidence in the office’s impartiality. lists 6 times the Special Prosecutor has been at the centre of controversy.

Impeachment petition against Kissi Agyebeng:

Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu submitted a petition to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, seeking the removal of the current Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng.

The petition, dated April 30, 2024, alleged procurement breaches, misconduct involving judges, violations of citizens’ rights, and improper personnel appointments within the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP).

Nana Addo with Martin Amidu
Nana Addo with Martin Amidu

Political bias allegations:

Critics have frequently accused the Office of the Special Prosecutor of political bias, claiming that investigations and prosecutions disproportionately target opposition party members, while individuals from the ruling party face less scrutiny.

This perceived bias has undermined public confidence in the office’s impartiality.

OSP attacks the judiciary

In December 2023, Martin Amidu accused Kissi Agyebeng of scandalizing and inciting the media against the judiciary.

Amidu claimed that Agyebeng overstepped his bounds by criticizing court rulings in corruption cases during a press conference, which Amidu described as an attack on the judiciary’s integrity.

Kissi Agyebeng
Kissi Agyebeng

Accusations of McCarthyism:

Amidu also likened Agyebeng’s tactics to McCarthyism, accusing him of conducting a witch hunt and misleading the public about his efforts to fight corruption.

Amidu criticized Agyebeng for calling a press conference without waiting for a certified true copy of a court ruling, suggesting a lack of professionalism and integrity.

Halted investigation of Cecilia Dapaah:

The OSP stopped its investigation into former Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah and transferred the case to the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO).

This decision came after extensive investigations, including collaboration with the FBI, failed to find direct evidence of corruption.

The move drew criticism and raised questions about the OSP’s effectiveness and jurisdiction.

Cecilia Dapaah
Cecilia Dapaah

Dispute over teacher salaries:

The OSP faced backlash from teacher unions, including the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), for allegedly blocking the salaries of over a thousand teachers.

Former Minister of Justice Martin Amidu supported the unions, arguing that the OSP had no legal authority to withhold salaries, adding to the controversy surrounding the Special Prosecutor’s office.
