Moesha Boduong, who was once upon a time Ghana’s favourite barbie doll and self-appointed ambassador of body enhancement, has announced her intention to go for another cosmetic surgery.

The Ghanaian actress who has publicly admitted to undergoing cosmetic surgery to enhance her curves now says she is tired of her current look.

In a self-recorded video shared on social media, Moesha said «  I am super excited to come here without my filters, with my natural self, » she said before revealing that she is going to work on her looks again.

Moesha Boduong
Moesha Boduong

« I am just tired of this whole look, I am going to get so much work done like I am not going to change, I am still going to be the same Moesha Boduong and spirit of Moesha Boduong mat lead me to success, » she said.

« But guys I am seriously done with this look I feel like I am getting tired, plastic surgery is like the newest trend and guys it’s so addictive so don’t follow too much, keep your natural self and stay pretty, looking pretty comes from within » she added.

In the video below, Moesha Boduong added that « plastic surgery has done so much magic for women and we don’t do it look better than we used to, we do it because we want a change« .

The Ghanaian actress has gone through a transformation after news broke that she has given her life to Christ. At the time of her controversial repentance, Moesha reportedly sold her Range Rover cheaper and gave out her clothes and other expensive materials.

It was later reported that the actress was hit with a mental illness. According to Afia Schwarzenegger, doctors have diagnosed her of « psychosis » – a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

In a 2022 interview, Afia said that doctors requested $10,000 to treat Moesha and though her family was around, they were silent and she decided to take responsibility. She says despite her effort, Moesha’s family have betrayed her.

According to her in the video below, she believes Moesha is still mentally ill but she can only stay afar and support her with prayers. « Three weeks ago, she sent me a message and said my daughter will be a woman of God in a movie, in a movie? When I saw that’s when I said she need prayers, » Afia said.
